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SPECIAL REPORT: Screwing Predatory Creditors

Predatory Lenders Have Bought Washington-You Can Fight Back

(Wall Street Financial) While the credit card business has become, for all intents and purposes, an unregulated industry the past five years they have also been incredibly successful at tightening the screws on borrowers. With bankrupcty all but removed as an option many Americans are finding themselves faced with losing their homes or paying off credit card debt that can be as much as 70% fees and interest. More and more American's are turning to a new option for a fresh start. One of the nation's top economists has revealed a radical plan to rejuvenate credit while actually reducing monthly debts immediately.

Many legal and financial experts agree that America's largest lenders have crossed the line from fair lending to usery. Most of us are aware by now that credit card offers, such as "0% interest" are only temporary come-ons but the extent of most credit card misrepresentation goes to a far more sinister extreme. For example the fine print on most credit card applications states very UNCLEARLY that in the event that the borrower has any late payments the interest can immediately escalate to as high as 29%. Here is what is really unclear: that escalator kicks in if the borrower is late on any credit line, whether it is the credit card in question or a mortgage payment with another bank. Credit card banks constantly monitor your credit looking for these opportunities to kick up your rates. They aren't concerned for your credit rating or well-being, they strictly are looking for an excuse to charge you more. If this sounds like a scam that would embarrass Tony Soprano you are not alone.

"Congress is very aware that the credit industry has gone way beyond 'borderline' criminality the past few years" stated a K Street player prefered to be anonymous because he peddles a lot of the cash in question. "... but their lobbiest are like ATMs to incumbants from both parties. Bank money is like mother's milk to these guys in Washington. You look at the Bankrupcty bill, there was a whole bunch of talk about how it was bad but in the end it went through like shit through a goose. Sure, there were a lot of democrats who didn't vote for it but they knew the votes weren't needed. If they need a two thirds majority to pass the bill a lot of 'Nays' would have been 'Ayes'. B anking lobbiest can afford the theatre of a close vote. How many of Bush's 'Ranger' (major six figure fundraisers) are on the boards of banks? Yeah, and they all got there investments back with Bush's first tax break, since 2000 they've been netting more influence every year. Christ, they literally have a license to print money."

For those who find themselves victimized by predatory credit card companies there is apparently an alternative to a lifetime of servitude to your lender. A top lending expert has turned his experience in the lending industry to develop an exit strategy for the financially strapped. The basic philosophy is simply: choose which credit accounts you can afford to rehabilitate and tell the rest to go to hell. It doesn't sound logical but you are penalized less for having a debt "charged off" than you would if you struggled to pay it and continued to be behind or late.

If you are currently in a tough situation with your debt you can see full details on this revolutionary credit rehabilitation regime and see if it would work for you. The author, who goes by the handle "LoanLad" to protect his identity from his banking employers can guide you through the whole process in simple and easy steps. According to the web site you can have your credit scores going up within 60 days. He even shows you how to get new credit lines that will boost your credit scores even if you currently are defaulting on numerous lines. Best of all, there are no fees or charges, "LoanLad" apparently is only interested in screwing the credit card industry and helping it's victims.

Click her to visit "LoanLad"s free site

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